Email: care@trinityagenda.org

Young, unmarried,
pregnant and abandoned.
Does the above describe your current situation? Don’t be alarmed and remain calm. Many young girls and women walk in your shoes, and we’re here to guide, support and help you make a responsible decision in taking the right step forward for your unborn baby’s future.
It’s important to know all the options you have in your power to raise a child as a single mother, including the respectable and tender decision of adoption.
Our elected Care Counselors are certified, trusted and possess remarkable acumen in dealing with even highly disruptive cases. It’s fundamental for birth mothers/parents to receive all the support and care they require whilst deciding on an accidental pregnancy.
Do not hesitate to give our responsive Love Ambassadors a call on our CAREline or email care@trinityagenda.org for a friendly and supportive chat. We guarantee your privacy and identity will be protected at all times.